Happens Here
Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Austin
Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Austin, an inclusive faith community of Christian believers in the heart of downtown at the corner of 12th Street and Lavaca. We may be 184 years old, but God’s story is still unfolding in and through this community of faith. Join us as we blend ancient worship practices and progressive theology to build a community where all people are invited to know God’s love and sent to join God in transforming the world.
All are welcome.
What To Expect on SUNDAYS:
Our historic Sanctuary Building broke ground more than a century ago, and we have begun the process of restoring the roof, windows, and exterior ornamentation of the building. While the building is currently shrouded by scaffolding, we are still able to worship. Underneath all that black mesh, exciting things are in the works. Transformation happens here! Join us on Sundays at 9:00AM and 11:00AM for worship. Get our latest update on Sanctuary Construction and the decisions we are currently making below.
Worship in person
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Parking for those with special mobility needs is available in the church’s surface parking lot on the southeast corner of 13th and Lavaca Streets. Addtional parking is available in the parking garage on the southwest corner of 13th Street and Lavaca Street.
First Church always welcomes children to fully participate in worship. There are books, crayons, and activity sheets located against the back wall of the Sanctuary. We also have a Family Room located in the balcony for those who need to feed or change an infant or allow a toddler to roam.
Scaffolding has gone up as we restore our historic Sanctuary Building, but our front doors are open. The scaffolded entrances to the Sanctuary are well-lit and have handrails. If you have special mobility needs, please use the North Entrance off the parking lot or the South Entrance (12th Street).
The Anxious Generation:
How This Faith Community Can Care for the Mental Health of Gen Z and Gen Alpha
Community Conversations on Zoom
In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt investigates the nature of modern childhood and describes an epidemic of teen mental illness that has hit the U.S. The book is a call to action, proposing strategies to move us from a “phone-based childhood” back to a “play-based childhood,” and prioritizes the mental health of Generations Z and Alpha. Whether you are just beginning to think about having children or you are a parent or grandparent, join us for one of the conversations we are hosting to dive into Haidt’s book and the issues and solutions it identifies.
- September 10 – we will consider what people who care about children and teens, but don’t necessarily have them in their homes, can do.
- September 17 – our focus will be on families with young children, from infants through elementary school.
- September 24 – we will consider what this means for families with tweens, teens, and young adults.
Join us for the conversation(s) that resonate most with your stage of life and experience or come to the one that best fits your schedule.
Do Unto Others: A Kindness Campaign
There is a teaching widely shared among religions, commonly called the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We believe this universal rule has the power to bring people together, so we are joining a grassroots movement to be intentional about letting this rule shape both our interactions with others as well as the policy decisions we support during this election season. No matter what party or candidate we support, “Do unto others” is a rule we can all live by. We are kicking off our Do Unto Others Kindness Campaign in worship this August.
Featured Events
Children’s Choir
Election Connection
FEAST Brunch at Haymaker
Youth ‘Engage’ Each Sunday
Engage Kick-off and Parent Meeting
Small Group for Young Adult Women
Featured News
September Mission Emphasis
September Mission Emphasis: Feed My People Breakfast Twice a week for more than 20 years, our Great Hall has hummed to life by 5:15AM to host the Feed MyPeople Breakfast, a program of the Foundation for the Homeless. For our guests, it is a brief escape from dangers...
Sanctuary Construction Update
On Sunday, August 25, the Church Conference approved total expenditures in the amount of $13,020,000 to complete the repairs and restoration of the Sanctuary Building that were outlined in the "Exterior Add-On" Package, available for review at We...
Confirmation Class Forming for Fall Start
Confirmation Class Forming for Fall Start Confirmation offers young people a chance to learn about faith in the United Methodist tradition—our identity as Christians, history and heritage, practices, and beliefs. With weekly gatherings in participant families’ homes...
Make a GIFT That Makes an Impact
Together, FUMC Austin supports the spiritual health of people at every age and stage of life, invite unhoused neighbors to share food and fellowship several times a week, and host ESL, VBS, and FEAST. Together, we advocate for social justice and work to constructively disrupt systems of power that marginalize people and communities. Together, we make transformation happen here.
Make a one-time gift or set up recurring giving using Church Life or text FUMCAUSTIN (all caps) to 73256 and follow the prompts.
Mobile App
The best way to stay connected!
The FUMC Austin mobile app provides updates on events, worship, news, and service—all at your fingertips! Stay up-to-date on opportunities to grow in your faith and connect with others.
The church office is currently open from 9:00AM to 3:00PM, Monday through Thursday, and closed on Fridays.