

Seeking to inspire, uplift, inform, and challenge us

Worship Schedule

Worship is at the heart of all we do at First Church.

Worship Services

We offer two worship services every week. Children are welcome to attend any services, but childcare is always provided on Sundays. Sermons by our pastors are Biblically centered, seeking to inspire, uplift, inform and challenge us to be good stewards of both the mysteries and the gifts of God. Special attention is given to making sermons relevant to the world in which we live.


All are invited to join us online on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. via Livestream via Youtube Later in the week, listen to our sermons online through our website or subscribe to our First Church Sermon podcast through iTunes Music Store and listen on your mobile device while on the go.

Sermon Podcast available here
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts here
Worship Video Archive available here


First United Methodist Church of Austin offers many options for marrying couples to consider when planning their wedding. The staff will be happy to help you plan your event. We have a wedding coordinator that will work with you and/or your wedding planner to insure you have a wonderfully planned memory.


The FUMC Choir is a dedicated ensemble of musicians who meet twice weekly to rehearse and provide musical leadership and support for 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary Worship, Festival Services at Christmas and Easter, and special services and concerts during Advent and Lent. Sanctuary Bells is a 5-octave group made up of experienced ringers.


The Sacrament of Baptism Baptism marks the beginning of our lifelong journey as disciples of Jesus Christ. Through Baptism, we are joined with God, Christ’s universal church, and our local congregation. The water in Baptism conveys God’s saving grace, the forgiveness of our sins, and new life in Jesus Christ. Persons of any age may be Baptized—infants, children, youth, and adults. A person receives the sacrament of Baptism only once in his or her life.

Funeral Services

The Christian funeral service is the final dedication of a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ, and, like the first dedication at baptism, occurs as an act of worship. The Gospel of Jesus Christ meets our deepest griefs and anxieties about death with an even deeper hope. The congregation and its pastors want to minister to families on the occasion of death. When a loved one dies, we hope you will call one of our pastors as soon as his or her presence would be helpful to you, regardless of the hour.


Farewell and Godspeed
FUMC is beginning a new practice of blessing and sending for those who are moving away from Austin. If you are approaching a move, we would like to take a moment during a worship service to celebrate your time with us and send you with our best wishes and prayers for God to bless you in the next chapter of your life. Please reach out to arrange a date with Pastor Taylor at