Holy Week Worship Services

Easter SUnday
Sunday, March 31 | Worship at 9:00 and 11:00AM* | Sanctuary and *Livestream
Celebrate God’s victory over sin, oppression, and death. Find new life and shout “Alleluia!” On Easter morning, we will have two worship services full of music, scripture, and good news. Proclaim that good news by participating in the live butterfly release on the Capitol grounds at 10:00AM. Even the cross, the instrument of Jesus’ death, will be transformed when you help us create this beautiful symbol for all who drive down Lavaca Street to see on Easter morning. Simply bring flowers—as many as you like—to place on the cross. Volunteers will help you attach them.

Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24 | 9:00 and 11:00AM*
Sanctuary and *Livestream
Like those who greeted him at the city gates 2000 years ago, we welcome Jesus in triumph, waving palms to welcome him into Jerusalem—the Holy City. We will continue with him throughout Holy Week as the shouts turn from 'Hosanna!" to "Crucify him!" and each day draws Jesus closer to the cross.

Maundy Thursday
Thursday, March 28 | 7:30PM*
Sanctuary and *Livestream
Celebrate Communion in remembrance of Jesus' final night with his disciples in the Upper Room, where he washed their feet, shared a meal, and called them once again to follow the way of love.

Good Friday
Family Service
Friday, March 29 | 10:30AM | Murchison Chapel
Children can share in Holy Week with age-appropriate storytelling and a Labyrinth walk. Please wear socks.
Traditional Worship
Friday, March 29 | 7:30PM* | Sanctuary and *Livestream
Experience Christ’s journey to death through scripture, song, and prayer around the cross.

Labyrinth Experience
March 24-29 | EDU Murchison Chapel
A labyrinth is an ancient pattern for prayer, meditation, and contemplation and can provide space for time set apart to re-center oneself. FUMC welcomes everyone to take part in this Lenten practice during Holy Week: Sunday from 8:30AM-12:15PM, Monday-Thursday from 9:00AM-3:00PM, and Friday from 9:00-10:00AM or 12:00-2:00PM.

Butterfly Helpers Needed During Holy Week
March 24-29 | San Parlor
During Holy Week, the church needs helpers to assist with our beautiful butterfly display, which, once again, will transform our Lenten prayers into a colorful sign of resurrection on Easter morning. Help glue the butterfly displays by signing up during open times. This can be a meditative individual project or a great group project with the opportunity for conversation as you glue our paper prayer butterflies. Instructions and supplies will be available in the Parlor. Please note that you can come and go as needed during those times. Every little bit helps, so even stopping by for 30 minutes will make a difference! If you would like to come during a time that is not listed, just let us know! We also need a team of people to help us Friday night to install the butterflies after worship. Sign up at fumcaustin.org/lent. For more information, contact Pastor Cathy Stone at cathy@fumcaustin.org.
Remarkable: The Jesus Story for All of Us
For the forty days of Lent, FUMC Austin is following Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. The shortest and earliest of the four Gospels, Mark moves through the Jesus story with an urgent focus on action. Mark writes for a world that is shaped by violence and fear, one desperate for the revelation of God's kin-dom and the reign of love. Use the daily reading plan linked below and take in the Jesus story according to Mark from beginning to end. Choose a familiar or favorite translation of the Bible, or experiment and read from several. What we will find is good news for Mark's contemporaries and for all of us, good news that can shape our lives, good news that can transform the world.

Lenten Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, February 14-Sunday, March 31
Sign up for daily Lenten devotionals delivered straight to your email inbox from Ash Wednesday (February 14) through Easter Sunday (March 31) as part of your practice of spiritual disciplines in this season. Daily devotionals might include a prayer, poem, song, brief reflection or another way to center yourself for a few minutes as we prepare for Easter. With questions or problems receiving the daily emails, email Rachel Wright, Director of Communications and Strategy.