
As a lifelong member of FUMC, I grew up watching my dad as he faithfully ushered every Sunday. I realized at a young age what an important role this was in the church. He went on to become the head usher here for more than 30 years and took this role very seriously. Every weekend he was on the phone scheduling ushers for both services, 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. He started recruiting many young men (it was only men at that time!) as they became teenagers, several of them being my classmates in Sunday School. On Christmas Eve, I was always at church with my dad and watched admiringly as he greeted, welcomed and seated churchgoers for the Christmas Eve service.

During my teenage years as I realized it was a part of me to serve in some way, my mother and I became communion stewards along with Kay Cowan and her mother. We did this for several years.Then some 20+ years ago, still feeling the need to serve, I told the head usher to let me know if they needed any help ushering and collecting the offering. He did and as they say “the rest is history”. What a gift he gave me by asking me to participate in this very special and important part of my Sunday mornings at church. I love being in the foyer to meet and greet regulars as well as newcomers.

I have watched families as their infants grow up and have children of their own. I especially love to see teens in the congregation that are so willing to help when needed. Greeting and ushering on Sunday has truly been a ministry for me. I try to put myself in the place of a newcomer walking in the door and how important it is to have a friendly face smiling back and saying “good morning, welcome!”