
By Robbie Ausley

As members of Texas Methodist Foundation President’s Advisory Board, Kaycee Crisp and I have learned that the purpose of TMF goes beyond financial services which for years was their primary role for churches like ours. We have witnessed their broader purpose to empower Methodist church communities to achieve their God-inspired potential. We both have been inspired by their growing Leadership and Grants Ministries, both of which encourage innovation and thinking “outside the box.”
The Leadership Ministry  facilitates conversations that help clergy and lay leaders to continually discern their purpose and discover innovative ways to steward their communities’ potential. Through their Learning Communities and Learning Projects they provide a platform for learning and exploring ways to creatively and courageously lead.

The Grants Ministry  identifies and invests in sustainable ministries that create measurable, systemic change. In addition to their own endowment, they do this by connecting donors with causes most important to them. Last year they awarded over $1M in grants to help steward the potential of innovative ministries such as grant recipient CitySquare, a ministry we toured a few weeks ago in Dallas. The blog of CitySquare’s CEO, Larry James, provides insight into this passionate ministry.

By serving on TMF’s President’s Advisory Board, Kaycee and I have gained a new perspective of TMF’s expanded purpose and role, and we hope this information, as well as these links, will also broaden your understanding of TMF’s mission and ministry. If you are interested in finding out more about TMF ministries, feel free to contact Kaycee or me.