Thank You to Sunday School Teachers!
Thank you to our amazing and dedicated Sunday School teachers for children and youth! Because of you, we are able to offer year-round faith formation small groups on Sundays to our young disciples, aged preschool through 12th grade. During the school year, it requires no less than 12 adult volunteers every week to create safe spaces for a shared time of learning, listening, laughing, raising questions and (sometimes) answering them. Through leading lessons and activities you build relationships that benefit both student and teacher. Ask any of the following why they serve and you will see what a calling and blessing it can be: Suzanne Barnard; Jennifer Bevel; Judy Breckbill; Jane Bowen; Kim Bowen; Brad Buchanan; Lucius Bunton; Amanda Cripe; Robbie Cripe; Leta Deithloff; Tim Deschner; Judy Funke; Melanie Greene; Jessica Harper; Sammy Huffaker; Leslie Ivey; Katie Kaighan; Melanie Miller; Curt Shaw ; Debbie Shaw; Scott Seibel; Ann Venno; and Deborah Wilder. Thank you for all you do to make sure that young people know they always have a place in the church!
Our faith community is blessed and strengthened by the presence of many children. Our Children’s Ministry Team invites you to get to know FUMC’s youngest disciples better this summer and give our regular teachers a time of rest and renewal by serving with Children’s Sunday School. Help us reach our goal of offering two classrooms for our elementary school kids throughout the summer by signing up to help on one or more Sundays in June or July. All volunteers must be Safe Gatherings certified. Contact Jen Seibel for more information about serving or about Safe Gatherings.