
Table for 8

A fun way to connect with people from FUMC

July 2021 Registration

Table for 8 is a fun way to connect with people from FUMC in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Singles, couples, and families of all ages participate in this fellowship ministry that creates dining groups by geographical area. Groups are encouraged to meet three times in the fall and three in the spring. If you have any questions, please email Emily Buchanan, Director of Discipleship, at

    Name (required)

    Name of Guest 2

    Name and ages of children or other family members attending (if applicable)

    Email (required)

    Email of Guest 2 (if applicable)

    Home Phone

    Mobile Phone (required)

    Zip Code (required)

    In what part of town is your home?NorthEastWestCentralSouth

    Which do you prefer? (required)

    What day(s) are you available to meet? Select all that apply. (required) SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayNo Preference

    Would you be willing to coordinate a group? (required)

    Would you be willing to host a meal in your home? (required)