
Social Justice

Participating in advocacy and justice

Learning & Advocacy

Do Unto Others: A Kindness Campaign

There is a teaching widely shared among religions, commonly called the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We believe this universal rule has the power to bring people together, so we are joining a grassroots movement to be intentional about letting this rule shape both our interactions with others as well as the policy decisions we support during this election season. No matter what party or candidate we support, “Do unto others” is a rule we can all live by. 

Share the message of the Do Unto Others campaign with your neighbors by displaying a “Do Unto Others” yard sign this fall. Preorders are open now for this 2 -sided sign (18×24 inches in size with included metal stand). Signs cost $20.00, which includes applicable TX state sales tax.

Signs are available for purchase and/or pick up in the Sanctuary Foyer after each worship service. Buy yours now using the button below or at If you have questions about preordering the yard sign or need to request that it is mailed to you or delivered to you home, please contact Rachel Wright.

Conversations on The Anxious Generation

Tuesdays, September 10, 17, 24 | 7:00-8:30PM | Zoom
In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt investigates the nature of modern childhood and describes an epidemic of teen mental illness that has hit the U.S. The book is a call to action, proposing strategies to move us from a “phone-based childhood” back to a “play-based childhood,” and prioritizes the mental health of Generations Z and Alpha. Whether you are just beginning to think about having children or you are a parent or grandparent, join us for one of the conversations we are hosting to dive into Haidt’s book and the issues and solutions it identifies.

  • September 10 – we will consider what people who care about children and teens, but don’t necessarily have them in their homes, can do.
  • September 17 – our focus will be on families with young children, from infants through elementary school.
  • September 24 – we will consider what this means for families with tweens, teens, and young adults.

Join us for the conversation(s) that resonate most with your stage of life and experience or come to the one that best fits your schedule. RSVP using the buttons below for the zoom links or visit for more details and resources.

Immigrants tell the truth in our stories

Election Connection

Sunday, September 8 | 10:00AM | EDU Murchison Chapel

Thursdays,  September 12, 19, 26 | 8:00PM | Zoom

More dates available below
For many reasons, this election year is more challenging than most. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you are not alone. Gather with your FUMC community on Thursday nights to check in with each other and to practice ways to stay connected to God so we can continue “doing unto others” in our thoughts, words, and actions. From now until November 3, we will meet three times on zoom (Thursdays at 8:00) and once in person (Sunday morning at 10:00 at FUMC). Come as often as you are able. Use the button below or visit for a complete schedule of meeting times and to register to receive the zoom link and reminders throughout the fall.

Immigrants tell the truth in our stories

Online Study: Centering Immigrant Voices for Faithful Growth

Day and Evening Options beginning September 12, 14, and 15
This September, overlapping with Hispanic Heritage Month, our partners at Justice for Our Neighbors (with support from UMC Discipleship Ministries) will offer a six-week online study called Centering Immigrant Voices for Faithful Growth. Using the book and videos from the collaborative project The Truth in Our Stories, the study will explore themes of faith and life interwoven in the narratives shared by 12 immigrant neighbors. To accommodate the reality of modern schedules, there are day and evening options on a range of days of the week, beginning on September 12, 14, and 15. Learn details here or use the button below.

Civil Rights Pilgrimage, a seven day road trip

Movie and Discussion: God & Country

Sunday, September 15 | 3:00-5:00pm FLC Garrison Chapel
The Mercy & Justice Team invites you to watch and discuss the important themes explored in God & Country. This documentary delves into the complex and often contentious relationship between faith and nationalism, examining the rise of Christian Nationalism in the United States, and inviting viewers to consider whether that movement truly aligns with the teachings of Christianity. Registration is requested at and snacks will be provided. For more information, please email Pastor Cathy.

Bridge Building

Nurturing multigenerational friendships and community partnerships.

Constructive Disruption

Disrupting systems of power to create positive change.


Working to eradicate injustice for the excluded and marginalized.

Typically, “service” has been interpreted as works of mercy and charity; now we are expanding our emphasis on service to include works of justice. Both are good; both are essential in our culture and in our development as individuals and as the Body of Christ. And in addition to giving of ourselves to these and other works of mercy and charity (love), we believe we are called to works of justice, to go “upriver” to discover the reasons why the homeless are homeless, why the hungry are hungry, why the working poor may hold two jobs but still not have enough money–a living wage–to care for a family of three or four. That’s why we find ourselves in meetings with Austin Interfaith or Texas Impact or the Austin District’s Amos Commission, exploring the issue of homelessness or poverty, or standing with those who have no voice in our system as they ask to be heard in places of power, educating the congregation and others on social justice issues, and encouraging the congregation to participate in advocacy on social justice issues.



The Amos Commission is a program sponsored by the Capital District of the Rio Texas Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. The program provides training to members of the congregation so that our members can discern what our faith says about social justice issues and then how to advocate for change where change is needed.

Courts & Ports: Faithful Witness on the Texas-Mexico Border

Organized by Texas Impact and the United States Christian Leadership Organization, Courts & Ports Advocacy Intensive brings pastors and other faith leaders across the International Gateway Bridge to meet with asylum seekers, and to hear from legal and policy experts about the impacts of the Administration’s policies on vulnerable migrants. Most participants had not crossed the US-Mexico border before.


Interfaith Action of Central Texas participates in organization that fosters cooperation and understanding between different faiths and facilitates interreligious outreach into the community to benefit needy people. iACT sponsors various ESL classes and activities with refugees; CROP Hunger Walk, and; Hands On Housing.

Justice for our Neighbors (JFON)Austin Region

Justice for Our Neighbors (ARJFON), a United Methodist-affiliated immigration ministry welcomes refugees and immigrants into our communities by providing free, high-quality immigration legal services, education, and advocacy. As a part of this nationwide effort, ARJFON hosts regular legal clinics to provide affordable immigration legal services to those with limited income. ARJFON’s services are focused on family-based and humanitarian immigration law.


The Reconciling Ministries Network is a movement of United Methodists working for the full participation of all people in the United Methodist Church. The FUMC reconciling ministries team is a sub-team of the social justice team. In addition, the FUMC Adelphi, Genesis, Epiphany, Open Door, Downtowners, and Koinonia Sunday School classes are members of the Reconciling Ministries Network.


First United Methodist Church is a member of Texas Impact, a statewide religious grassroots network whose members include individuals, congregations, and governing bodies of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths. Texas Impact exists to advance state public policies that are consistent with universally held social principles. Texas Impact not only advocates on behalf of the weak, but also provides its members, including FUMC, with information on policy issues and effective lessons for advocacy. Those interested can sign up for the Texas Impact e-mail alerts.


United Methodists have a long and rich history of engagement on issues of social concern. John Wesley was a forthright advocate on prison reform, human rights, abuse of spirituous liquors, labor justice, healthcare, slavery, and the humane treatment of animals.

The Methodist Church formally entered into the social justice era in 1908 when the Methodist Episcopal Church adopted the first Social Creed. The creed was primarily a response to miserable working conditions for those working in mines, mills, factories and tenements.

Today, the FUMC Social Justice Team is governed by the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society. The General Board of Church and Society, which was created in 1972, is one of four international general program boards of the United Methodist Church as set out in the UMC Book of Discipline. At that time, the general conference of the United Methodist Church also adopted the church’s first Social Principles, which spell out the church’s position on specific social justice issues.

Today, the Social Justice Team strives to fulfill the mission of the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society through the celebration of Justice Days, educating the congregation and others on social justice issues, and encouraging the congregation to participate in advocacy on social justice issues.

Social Creed
We believe in God, Creator of the world; and in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of creation. We believe in the Holy Spirit, and we repent of our sin in misusing. Read More.

Social Principles

The Social Principles are a prayerful and thoughtful effort of the General Conference to speak to the issues in the contemporary world from a sound biblical and theological foundation. Read More.

We affirm our unity in Jesus Christ while acknowledging differences in applying our faith in different cultural contexts as we live out the gospel. Read More.

The Natural World
All creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it. Read More.

The Nurturing Community
We believe we have a responsibility to innovate, sponsor, and evaluate new forms of community that will encourage development of the fullest potential in individuals. Read More.

The Social Community
We affirm all persons as equally valuable in the sight of God’s sight. We reject discrimination and assert the rights of minority groups to equal opportunities. Read More.

The Economic Community
We claim all economic systems to be under the judgment of God no less than other facets of the created order. Read More.

The Political Community
We hold governments responsible for the protection of people’s basic freedoms. We believe that neither church nor state should attempt to dominate the other. Read More.

The World Community
God’s world is one world. We pledge ourselves to seek the meaning of the gospel in all issues that divide people and threaten the growth of world community. Read More.