Monthly Mission Emphasis
Giving back through our monthly offering.
Each month, First United Methodist Church selects a special mission. Altar rail collections and donations are dedicated to support these missions.
July Mission Emphasis: Feed My People Christmas Breakfast
Feed My People Christmas Breakfast Why did Rudolph the red nosed reindeer have to go to summer school? Because he went down in history! First Church and the Feed My People Breakfast are celebrating a little bit of Christmas in July. For over 20 years, First Church has...
Teacher Mindfulness Lounge Coming Soon
Thank you, First Church! Your generosity in July helped us exceed our goal for Pickle Elementary staff and student support this school year. To date, we have raised $8570. With a portion of these funds, we have already hosted a back-to-school breakfast for teachers...
February Mission Focus: Huston-Tillotson University
Each month we highlight a ministry or program that we see transforming lives and invite you to support it with your prayers and gifts above and beyond your regular financial support. February’s mission emphasis is Huston-Tillotson University. As Austin’s oldest...
Christmas Offering 2021
This summer and fall, the stone that so beautifully adorns our buildings developed unsafe cracks, and a few pieces even fell to the ground. While we are thankful that no one was injured, we had to quickly deploy professionals to remove any loose pieces in order...
November Mission Emphasis – Christmas Breakfast for the Homeless
For over 20 years, FUMC has sponsored a Christmas Eve Breakfast in the Family Life Center. We provide a hot breakfast, served restaurant style with hosts and a smiling wait staff. After breakfast, guests receive a gift of hats, gloves, lip balm, socks, bus pass, and a...
October Mission Emphasis – Casa Marianella & World Communion Sunday
Casa Marianella & World Communion Sunday Together, we welcome and care for the poor, the stranger, the sojourner, the outcast. Together, we enable national and international graduate students to change the world. This October, our communion rail offering will be...
September Mission Emphasis – REFUGEE SERVICES OF TEXAS
Founded in 1978, Refugee Services of Texas (RST) is a social-service agency dedicated to providing assistance to refugees and other displaced persons fleeing persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social...
August Mission Emphasis – La Posada Providencia
La Posada Providencia is an emergency shelter for individuals and families who flee to the United States due to political oppression, natural disaster, and other life-threatening actions in their native countries. La Posada is the only shelter in the lower Rio Grande...
July Mission Emphasis – Emergency Assistance Fund
Jesus said, “Which of these three…was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” [The man] said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” – Luke 10:25-37. This year’s July Mission Emphasis will support ministry with...
June Mission Emphasis – Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors
Moved by Christ’s love to pursue reconciliation and peace, The United Methodist Church honors the dignity of every individual made in God’s image and is unwilling to turn a blind eye to injustice. This offering supports the peace and justice work of Austin Region of...
May Mission Emphasis – Mobile Loaves & Fishes
The Mobile Loaves & Fishes downtown Austin truck (based at FUMC) is still serving meals to the homeless and working poor in our community — even during the pandemic — and we are needed now more than ever! Last year our MLF truck provided over 26,000 hearty meals...
April Mission Emphasis and Easter Offering
Dear Church, At Easter, we celebrate the life-giving Resurrection of Christ. As a response to the new life we’ve been given, we dedicate a special Easter Offering to a ministry or facility need that increases our ability to serve others. These offerings are for...