

Living out our promise by helping others


By way of minds, hands, and financial support, FUMC provides many programs that feed, clothe, and house people experiencing homelessness and low-income families.

…and Justice

While serving those in need is a basic precept of Christian faith, we also serve through works of justice—understanding and improving the root causes of injustice, and giving voice to those without.

English as a Second Language

English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are offered at no cost in our Family Life Center weekly on Monday and Thursdays. Guests can practice their English conversation skills, learn American idioms and slang, and learn how to survive in America. As important as communicating, students develop friendships to support them outside the classroom.


FUMC is a proud member of the Reconciling Ministries Network and has a long history of supporting LGBTQ rights for marriage equality in the church.

Monthly Mission Emphasis

It is a United Methodist custom to give a love offering, above regular giving, at the communion rail. Each month, First United Methodist Church selects a special mission. Altar rail collections and donations are dedicated to support these missions.

Racial Justice

FUMC engages in study and ongoing dialogue on racial justice issues to raise awareness and to work toward change in systematic racism.

Serving Opportunities

Discover ways to serve your church and our community! We hope you will find something that interests you from our available volunteer opportunities.

Social Justice

Typically, “service” has been interpreted as works of mercy and charity; now we are expanding our emphasis on service to include works of justice. Both are good; both are essential in our culture and in our development as individuals and as the Body of Christ.