Order Deadline: June 14

Fathers can be the hardest to shop for when gift time comes around. This Father’s Day, we are encouraging gifts to be used by fathers across the globe as an alternative to the usual standby tie or some other gift item you might purchase. An alternative gift is a perfect way to let the men in your life know they are appreciated.

Get started now by selecting the gifts you wish to symbolically present, using the form below. Note how many of each you wish to purchase, complete the recognition section as to whether your gift is in “honor of” or in “memory of,” and then Donate Online.  The items “purchased” will support the ongoing work of Church World Service, a United Methodist–related international ministry, with families across the globe in need of a helping hand as they seek solutions to their own challenges.

Make your payment through online giving by donating towards the Father’s Day Alternatives Fund. A check can be sent to the church office, marked for Father’s Day, if preferred.

The deadline for “Alternative Gifts for Father’s Day” is 12:00 noon on Monday, June 14. Recognition of your gift(s) will be in the eNews prior to Father’s Day, June 20. Contact Tami Kellberg with questions at


$10 – Five cans of corn seeds to plant in Haiti

$22 – 500 baby fish for stock pond in Honduras

$25 – Water filter for house in Cambodia

$65 – Farmer’s tool set (shovel, pitchfork, and rake) in Haiti

$85- Goat in Haiti

$120 – Gardening tools for six families in Indonesia

$470 – Cow in Honduras

    Name of Donor (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Alternative Gift Selection

    In Honor of

    In Memory of

    I understand that I will receive an electronic, printable acknowledgement of my gift, which I can choose to share with the father figure I have honored on Father's Day. I would also like the youth mission team to send an acknowledgment of this gift to my honoree at a later date. Please send acknowledgment to:

    Name of Recipient

    Recipient Address: Please include city, state, and zipcode

    Total Amount Donated

    I will pay via