In October, we are highlighting two partners working for mercyv& justice for refugees and immigrants in Texas.
La Posada Providencia, located in San Benito, Texas, is an emergency shelter for individuals and families who flee to the United States due to political oppression, natural disaster, and other life-threatening actions in their native countries. La Posada is the only shelter in the lower Rio Grande Valley that offers individual case management to optimize client resettlement outcomes and that can accommodate extended stays for clients when needed.
Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors (ARJFON) is a nonprofit law office founded by United Methodists in the Capital District, and welcomes refugees and immigrants into our communities by providing free, high-quality immigration legal services, education, and advocacy. ARJFON focuses on providing key services to the most vulnerable immigrants, like asylum seekers and children or teenagers who are working through the immigration system alone and who may qualify for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.
We invite you to support ARJFON and La Posada with your prayers and financial giving. Your gifts, marked “October Mission Emphasis,” may be brought to worship, mailed to or brought by the church office, or using the button below.