Jesus said, “Which of these three…was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” [The man] said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” —Luke 10:25-37
Each month we highlight a ministry that we see transforming lives with the invitation to support with your prayers and donations above and beyond your regular giving. This month’s Mission Emphasis supports ministry with our neighbors through the Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF), which allows us to provide direct assistance to our neighbors in need. Here are a few of the ways this fund has been utilized so far this year:
• Assistance to secure vital documents, such as IDs and birth certificates;
• Emergency payment of cell phone bills to keep this lifeline open for those on the street;
• Food handler’s permits;
• Long-distance bus tickets for those stranded in the midst of a journey;
• Stop-gap support to help people remain in their current housing and avoid homelessness;
• Supplies for Manna Bags, the packages of non-perishables and socks that help meet daily needs;
• Toiletries, socks, and underwear for our Shower Ministry;
• Work boots for unhoused neighbors beginning new jobs;
• Individual, unpredictable needs that come our way.
Your gifts, marked “Emergency Assistance,” may be brought to worship, mailed to or brought by the church office, or made online at and following the step-by-step instructions. Be sure to select “Emergency Assistance” from the drop-down menu.