Stay up-to-date on our latest news
September Mission Emphasis
September Mission Emphasis: Feed My People Breakfast Twice a week for more than 20 years, our Great Hall has hummed to life by 5:15AM to host the Feed MyPeople Breakfast, a program of the Foundation for the Homeless. For our guests, it is a brief escape from dangers...
Sanctuary Construction Update
On Sunday, August 25, the Church Conference approved total expenditures in the amount of $13,020,000 to complete the repairs and restoration of the Sanctuary Building that were outlined in the "Exterior Add-On" Package, available for review at fumcaustin.org. We...
Confirmation Class Forming for Fall Start
Confirmation Class Forming for Fall Start Confirmation offers young people a chance to learn about faith in the United Methodist tradition—our identity as Christians, history and heritage, practices, and beliefs. With weekly gatherings in participant families’ homes...
Do Unto Others Kindness Campaign
Do Unto Others Kindness Campaign There is a teaching widely shared among religions, commonly called the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We believe this universal rule has the power to bring people together, so we are joining a...
Centering Immigrant Voices for Faithful Growth During Hispanic Heritage Month
Online Study: Centering Immigrant Voices for Faithful Growth Day and Evening Options beginning September 12, 14, and 15This September, overlapping with Hispanic Heritage Month, our partners at Justice for Our Neighbors (with support from UMC Discipleship Ministries)...
August Mission Emphasis: Pickle Elementary School
Socks and Underwear Drive
Socks and Underwear Drive Sundays in AugustOur Joy Circle of the United Women in Faith is collecting donations of children’s socks and underwear for Austin area public schools that serve vulnerable communities. Please contribute new, unopened packages of these items...
Take Home Your Own Piece of FUMC History
Take Home Your Own Piece of FUMC History You have the opportunity to own a piece of FUMC history in the form of one of the decorative masonry elements that have topped the Sanctuary Building roof since 1928. As part of our ongoing restoration project, all of these...
July Mission Emphasis: Feed My People Christmas Breakfast
Feed My People Christmas Breakfast Why did Rudolph the red nosed reindeer have to go to summer school? Because he went down in history! First Church and the Feed My People Breakfast are celebrating a little bit of Christmas in July. For over 20 years, First Church has...
Summer Choir
In July and August, the choir moves to its summer schedule and that is the perfect time for those who sing to join us. If you have been curious about choir or if you would love to participate, but cannot commit to our regular Wednesday evening rehearsal schedule,...
Capital Campaign and Construction Updates
Capital Campaign and Construction Updates Last year at this time, we were celebrating a successful capital campaign to repair, restore, and renovate our historic Sanctuary Building. Not only did this faith community exceed our initial goal in that campaign, but we...
Celebrate Commissioning
Celebrate Commissioning We celebrate that Dr. Becca Edwards and Dr. Brad King were commissioned for ministry as a provisional Deacon and provisional Elder, respectively, on Friday, June 7. Bishop Robert Schnase presided over their commissioning after Becca and Brad...
Super Summer Reads – Staff Picks for Summer 2024
Whether you tuck these recommendations into a beach bag or a backpack, you are invited to read along with First Church this summer. We are sharing a curated list of books and resources from staff members that we hope you will tuck into your carryon or enjoy as you lay...
June Mission Emphasis: Pride Parade and Festival
Draw the Circle wide! We delight that the United Methodist Church is a more inclusive and affirming denomination after the recent changes made at General Conference. It is our joy to share our love for all of God’s LGBTQ+ children with the wider community as we...
Celebrating Dr. Karen Smith’s Consecration as a UMC Deaconess
Dr. Karen Smith Consecrated as UMC Deaconess We celebrate that Dr. Karen Smith was consecrated as a Deaconess in the United Methodist Church at the recent General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Deaconess—or Home Missioner, the male equivalent—is a lay...
Welcome Our Newest Staff Member
Welcome Our Newest Staff Member We are pleased to welcome to the First Church staff our new Director of Facilities and Events, Johnny Duncan. Johnny was born in Philadelphia, PA. He served in the U.S. Air Force as a Chaplain Assistant while visiting over 17 countries....
Love In Action Preteen Service Retreat
2024 Love In Action Preteen Service Retreat We love others because God first loved us. This is the message at the heart of our Love In Action Preteen Service Retreat. This year, 13 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders spent the night at First Church so that they could...
May Mission Emphasis
We fervently believe that God can use anyone to transform the world. That is why our youth practice mercy and justice through our middle and high school service trips. This summer, more than 60 young people and adults will travel to Ft. Worth, Texas, and Eastern...
Construction Update: Our Stained Glass Windows
Update On Our Stained Glass Windows For those of us counting how long some of our stained glass windows have been out, the first five were removed and sent for restoration in late January. To check on progress and better understand the process, staff members Emily...
Thank You, Sunday School Teachers!
Thank You to Sunday School Teachers! Thank you to our amazing and dedicated Sunday School teachers for children and youth! Because of you, we are able to offer year-round faith formation small groups on Sundays to our young disciples, aged preschool through 12th...
Books Needed For Pickle Elementary Book Sale
Books Needed for Pickle Elementary Book Sale Donations: Sundays, April 21 and 28 Book Sale: May 3 | Pickle ElementaryHelp us prevent the “summer slide” by providing a selection of new or very gently used books or money for this spring’s Pickle Elementary Book Sale....
Wanted: Summer Sunday School Helpers
Wanted: Summer Sunday School Helpers Our faith community is blessed and strengthened by the presence of many children. Our Children’s Ministry Team invites you to get to know FUMC’s youngest disciples better this summer and give our regular teachers a time of rest and...
Welcome 2024 Confirmation Class
Congratulations to the 2024 Confirmation Class ! We celebrated the confirmation of seven young people on Sunday, April 14. We rejoice to welcome (left to right, front to back) Britain Bayliss, Haddie Thurman, Tanner Ramberg, Nathan Barnard, Jack Stafford, Ava...
Mission Emphasis – April 2024
Mobile Loaves & Fishes “Everything we do is about relationships. The biggest lesson we have learned over the years is that we are not a food ministry. We merely use food as a conduit to connect human to human and heart to heart.” —Alan Graham, Founder & CEO of...
Recognizing Graduating Seniors
Recognizing Graduating Seniors Graduation is an exciting milestone at any age! We want to recognize graduating seniors—high school, college, or graduate school—in our FUMC Weekly on May 5. Please provide a picture of the graduate, full name, school graduated from,...
Butterfly Helpers Needed for Holy Week
Butterfly Helpers Needed During Holy Week March 24-29 | San ParlorDuring Holy Week, the church needs helpers to assist with our beautiful butterfly display, which, once again, will transform our Lenten prayers into a colorful sign of resurrection on Easter morning....
Music Under the Dome: An Invitation to Perform
Music Under the Dome: An Invitation to Perform Sunday, April 21 | 3:00PM | SanctuaryAs we prepare for a Music Under the Dome event celebrating Earth Day and all of God’s creation, we invite all experienced vocal and/or instrumental musicians to participate in this...
Easter Offering 2024
Easter Offering: At the Well We are committed to caring for and serving with our unhoused neighbors. This is especially true for women, who are traditionally more vulnerable and at risk in this population, and who have few resources available. Inspired by God’s...
Austin Marathon
Marathon Sunday February 18, 2024 Our downtown location is perfect for encouraging the thousands of runners participating in the Austin Marathon this Sunday as they race past First Church and head to the finish line at the Capitol! Don't miss this chance to lean in...
Annual Easter Egg Festival
FUMC EASTER EGG FESTIVALSATURDAY, MARCH 239:30-11:00AM | CAPITOL GROUNDS That's right! The bunny is back! We are thrilled to host our annual Easter Egg Festival on Saturday, March 23, in our "backyard" at the Capitol Grounds at Colorado and 12th Street for egg hunts...