
Faith Stories

Stories and conversations on living faith

Our stories are best told by people within our congregation.  So many times, we don’t see the impact of our day-to-day work of the church until we begin to listen. It is then, that our stories and testimonies are shared and we realize that God is at work.

Giving as an Act of Worship

By Dick Young "I believe giving is an act of worship," said The Rev. Bruno Schmidt, long-tenured FUMC associate pastor, during a 1980's meeting in old Wesley Hall. These words, in his slightly-German accent, were spoken with feeling after a lifetime of practice. Bruno...

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Serving Others

Serving Others

By Bergan Casey & Heather Schuelke During the summer, our youth do not sit idle. Even though their summers are busy, many go beyond our walls to learn and help others. A large group of high schoolers traveled to Kentucky for the annual ASP trip, exchanging their...

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Bell Choir

Bell Choir

By Suzanne Barnard Handbells - a strong worship tradition in the United Methodist Church, and a life long discipline for me. I began playing bells briefly in kindergarten (because God loves joyful noise, as well as beautiful music). For some unspoken reason, that...

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Serving at Marbridge

Serving at Marbridge

By Mary Higgs  I have been a volunteer at Marbridge since 2003, so I was so happy to learn that Marbridge is a recurring site for a Day of Service a few times each year. Marbridge is a non-profit residential community, located in Manchaca, Texas, on Bliss-Spillar...

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Serving with “Feed My People” Breakfast

Serving with “Feed My People” Breakfast

By Julie Nelson I have been asked to share my experience about the “management” aspects of Feed My People breakfasts. First of all, I got involved initially because I was curious and decided to attend the breakfast on FUMC’s Fourth Tuesday sponsorship day as a...

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Growing in Faith

By Peyton Ivey The first time that I donated my hair was in summer of 2012. I was nine years old and had been obsessed with my long hair. The night before I was scheduled to get a trim for the start of school, something inside me flipped. I suddenly decided that I...

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Teaching Sunday School

By Catherine Waggoner I became a Sunday school teacher because we needed teachers so badly they were willing to have me. To be honest, I wanted to sign up as a substitute teacher, but as the former Christian education director cried that she really needed teachers, I...

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Turning Yarn into Love

By Carolyn Trigg Many members of FUMC have received a prayer shawl from the church or requested one for a friend. This week we hear from Carolyn Trigg, a participant in one of the quieter ministries of our church -  the Knit Wits, a circle of knitters whose mission is...

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Baby Blanket Ministry: Weaving Connections

Baby Blanket Ministry: Weaving Connections

By Debbie Rippetoe One of our newest ministries at FUMC is the baby blanket ministry. In the past 12 months, we have welcomed 15 babies into the FUMC family. Earlier this year, Children's Program Director Lara Greene came up with the idea of welcoming babies with a...

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Fair Days

By Liz Branch For the last 10 years, this church has housed a wonderful community outreach event called the Women’s Resource Fair. It provides vital services to some of Austin’s most needy—women and children who suffer from homelessness and survivors of domestic...

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