
Sunday School

Building disciples who make a difference

Sunday School

Children experience God's love in community as they engage in active learning

Children’s Sunday school

Children ages three years through 5th grade can join us for outdoor Bible stories, songs and games.


Children’s Sunday School is held nearly every Sunday from 10:00-10:45AM, with all classrooms located on the ground floor of the Education Building. There are several conveniently located check-in stations for drop off. Below are the classroom locations for specific grades for the 2024-2025 school year.

Kindergarten & First Grade: EDU Room 101

Second &Third Grades: EDU Room 108-109

Fourth & Fifth Grades: SAN Room 110


Children’s Choir

Sundays | 9:30-10:00AM | SAN Room 111
Begins Sunday, August 25 for the 2024-2025 School Year

Make a joyful noise with our Children’s Choir! Led by music professionals, this is an opportunity open to children ages 5 to 11 years old. Throughout the school year, we rehearse once a week to prepare to share the gift of music in worship. Children will develop their vocal and instrumental skills, grow in their spiritual practice of praise, and have fun with friends. Join anytime throughout the year. No audition required. Contact Roxie Garza, Children’s Choir Director, at to learn more.

Children in Worship

By welcoming them at our church’s most sacred moments, children learn that nothing can separate them from the love of God.


Childcare is available on Sundays for both church services from 8:45 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. OR 9:45 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. for infants through 3 years old. Childcare can also be arranged for church events with advanced notice. Reservations outside of Sunday mornings are made by emailing, and are not final until confirmed.

Our paid staff is trained to give loving and professional care for your child while you enjoy church worship and activities. We run background checks on all staff members, and each room is staffed with at least one person with CPR and First Aid certification.

Our childcare rooms are located on the first floor of the Education Building (room numbers indicated by the EDU prefix).

Our youngest age group spends time exploring God’s love and relating to others through simple Bible stories. “Grow, Proclaim, Serve!” curriculum incorporates Bible stories, activities, crafts, media, and games into a full faith experience for children.

Nursery (Infants-18 months) – EDU Room 103
Beginning with our youngest disciples, our caring staff models God’s love. We know that experiencing unconditional love through relationships helps children develop the trust and confidence they need to later explore a more abstract relationship with the Divine.

Toddlers & Twos (18 months – 3 years) – EDU 104
Based on the individual child’s readiness, he or she transitions to the toddler room. Here we introduce the discipline of communal snack, sing Bible songs and work in free-choice play centers. Children also practice the important relational skills of sharing, taking turns, and spending time away from parents.


At FUMC, we don’t have a separate worship time for the children. This is a very intentional choice. Children are a part of our church family and we share the responsibility for nurturing their spiritual needs. By welcoming them at our church’s most sacred moments, children learn that nothing can separate them from the love of God. By worshiping together with our children, we pass on our traditions for praising God through the sacraments, music, proclaiming and hearing the good news, and offering our gifts and prayers. Children are encouraged to participate in the service as much as they are able, finding hymns and responses, standing and sitting with the rest of the congregation, coming to the chancel area for Time with Young Disciples and learning prayers and responses.

We believe that it is important for parents to grow and be fed in their faith as well. For families with infants and toddlers, we know that parents can best worship when their children are safe and happily engaged in our childcare rooms. When children reach about four or five and they are ready, we encourage parents to begin bringing them to one of our worship services on a regular basis.

Worship Services


  • 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Traditional worship service
  • Holy Communion is celebrated every week at the 9:00 a.m. service and on the first Sunday of the month at the 11:00 a.m. service.

Worship Bulletins

Worship bulletins are available with crayons and scriptural puzzle pages that provide quiet ways to focus energy for preschool and elementary age children, ages 3-11 years. The bulletins can be found on clipboards in baskets by the front doors of the Sanctuary.  Children may use them during worship services and then return the crayons and clipboards to the baskets following the service.


Children are encouraged to engage in our Time with Young Disciples during the 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary service. This is a great chance for children to get up, move around, and be close to the minister, altar, and others in our congregation.

Family Room

For parents that wish to remain close to their infants and toddlers while still attending worship, a Family Room, furnished with rocking chairs, toddler toys, and a changing table, is available behind the sanctuary balcony. Large windows and speakers provide access to the service.