Safety Training
The safety and well-being of children is a top priority at FUMC Austin.
FUMC Austin makes the safety and well-being of children, youth, and vulnerable adults a priority. All staff and volunteers complete a background check and training prior to working with children and youth, with renewal required every two years for re-certification. In addition, we follow the following guidelines:
- Two non-related certified adults are required in classrooms at all times.
- Childcare staff is First Aid/CPR trained.
- Volunteers are required to be at least five years older than the children they are assisting.
- No childcare staff workers are under the age of eighteen.
- Classroom doors have windows for visibility at all times.
- Preschool children are signed in and sign out out of all activities by parents. School-aged children are released only to parents unless other arrangements are made between the teacher and parents.
- All volunteers and staff are required to sign and adhere to the FUMC Child, Youth & Vulnerable Adult Safety Policy.
Zero Tolerance for Abuse
FUMC Kids follow a zero tolerance for abuse. Every staff member and volunteer is responsible for the welfare of the children in our program. In the event a staff member or volunteer observes any inappropriate behaviors (i.e. policy violations, neglectful supervision, etc.) or suspected abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), it is their personal responsibility to immediately report their observations to their immediate supervisor or to a pastor. In addition, Texas is a mandatory reporting state. If abuse is suspected, by state law, it must be reported to the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1 (1800) 252-5400 or
Rio Texas Con Confianza Safety Training
All volunteers working with our children and youth must complete three modules of TRUSTed Con Confianza certification every two years through Safe Gatherings and the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. Abuse training is required annually. The process for certification and recertification are outlined in these documents: Trusted Con Confianza 3 Steps Certification and Trusted Con Confianza 3 Steps Recertification or on the Rio Texas Conference Safety Training webpage.