
Older Adults

Fellowship and fun together as a community

The Cheers Ministry is a community for those young-at-heart who are recently retired, semi-retired, or thinking about setting a date to retire. Designed for our members and visitors who are of the Baby Boomer generation (you know who you are), this group is a way to build community, get to know others, and find ways to connect within our large church family. We’ve named it the “Cheers Ministry” from the line in the sitcom theme song, because we hope that this community will be a place “where everybody knows your name.”

Although not intended to be a replacement for your Sunday School class, the ministry will include social activities, service projects, and opportunities for friendships and new experiences — all within our faith community. For more information, contact Dick Young at

Cheers! Visits LBJ Library: America’s Music History

Tuesday, July 30 | 11:00AM | Red River Street | $8/person
Cheers!, our community for those who are newly or nearly retired, invites you to visit a new exhibit at the LBJ Presidential Library, exploring the creative processes of artists like Bruce Springsteen, John Cash, Ella Fitzgerald, Prince, and more. We will also have lunch at the iconic Dirty’s on Guadalupe. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door. RSVP using the button below. With questions, contact Dick Young.