

Opportunities to learn and grow together.

Adult Discipleship

Through discipleship classes, we offer opportunities to gather together and grow your faith surrounded and supported by others who are growing in theirs.

Sunday School

Sunday School offers everyone a special place to be. Sunday School is the place where people learn about the Christian faith in a loving, supportive environment. All groups meet at 10:00 a.m.

Small Groups

We offer small groups to help you deepen your own relationships with God while also making new friends at church. Groups of 8-12 participants join in conversation over approximately 6-8 weeks with experienced facilitators to explore their lives of faith and discover the direction God intends for each of our lives as well as our lives together. All adult members of our FUMC community are encouraged to take this step to grow their faith. 

Older Adults

Although not intended to be a replacement for your Sunday School class, the ministry will include social activities, service projects, and opportunities for friendships and new experiences — all within our faith community. 


FEAST is a community of young adults (roughly ages 20–45) doing life and digging into the more difficult side of faith together. 

Table for 8

Table for 8 is a fun and exciting way to connect with people from FUMC in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Singles, couples, and families of all ages participate in this fellowship ministry that creates dining groups by geographical area. The groups get refreshed every September and are encouraged to meet three times in the fall and three in the spring.