
Our Ministries

We have a place for you.


At First Church, men and women give leadership and find involvement in all areas of congregational life—usually together. There are, however, special groups for just men and just women that meet for support and sharing around issues and projects.


The System of Care is a plan for communications which enables us to become a more loving and caring congregation. The System of Care was initiated to ensure that we effectively communicate needs and that we respond to these needs in a timely and appropriate manner.


FUMC Kids nurtures and guides children in community with God, their families, and their peers by providing a safe environment for them to learn God’s love and share it with others to make the world a better place.


We strive to create an atmosphere in which each child can develop socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and intellectually. We offer an educational experience through a flexible, well-planned program. The basis of the program is that play is learning.

United methodist women

At First UMC, United Methodist Women members gather on a regular basis and are involved in a variety of mission projects. Membership is open to any woman who indicates her desire to belong and to commit herself to the Purpose.


The FUMC Youth Ministry engages all middle and high school students in a supportive, welcoming community that invites them to grow in a life-long relationship with Christ and each other through service, worship, and fun