2024 Love In Action Preteen Service Retreat
We love others because God first loved us. This is the message at the heart of our Love In Action Preteen Service Retreat. This year, 13 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders spent the night at First Church so that they could learn about how to put their faith in action through service. Participants woke up at 6:00AM to help make sandwiches, load brunch bags, serve coffee, and sort/deliver clothing requests at Open Door, a ministry of our neighbors at University UMC, that serves unhoused friends.
A quick hike up to Mt. Bonnell to enjoy God’s creation and lunch back at the church completed the experience. Our team was complimented by our hosts on their high energy and willing spirit to serve! That sounds like love in action to us! For more information about opportunities to serve with your tween or to sign up for weekly email updates that include fun events and faith formation tips for kids and their families, contact our Children’s Ministry staff at children@fumcaustin.org.