The anti-LGBTQ legislation filed this legislative session cast a long shadow on the state of Texas. But joy is powerful! Joy is a beacon against darkness! We are celebrating Pride this June as we look with joy and anticipation to the Pride Festival and Parade on Saturday, August 12.
We are joining other Austin area UMCs to offer hospitality and connection at the Festival. Then we will join the celebration in the streets of Austin as a witness that God’s love is all inclusive. Our goal is to raise $1,500 to cover the costs of our participation in the Pride Festival and Parade. Funds raised beyond this amount will go to the Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT), an organization dedicated to furthering gender-diverse equality in Texas through education and networking in both public and private forums. TENT strives to halt discrimination through social, legislative, and corporate education.
Gifts, marked “PRIDE,” may be placed in the offering basket, mailed to or brought by the church office, or made online during the month of June. To donate online, select “Other Designated” from the drop-down menu and indicate “PRIDE” in the memo section.