Feed My People Christmas Breakfast
Why did Rudolph the red nosed reindeer have to go to summer school? Because he went down in history!
First Church and the Feed My People Breakfast are celebrating a little bit of Christmas in July. For over 20 years, First Church has sponsored a Christmas Breakfast in our Family Life Center. We provide a hot breakfast, served restaurant style with hosts and a smiling wait staff. After breakfast, guests receive a gift of a manna bag, hat, gloves, socks, hand warmers, cookies, and a blanket.
Our boal is to raise $5,000 for this Christmas celebration with our unhoused neighbors. Your gifts, marked “Christmas Eve Breakfast,” may be placed in the offering basket during worship, mailed to or brought by the church office, or made online at fumcaustin.org/giving and following the step-by-step instructions. Please select “Christmas Breakfast” from the drop-down menu