Sunday, November 10 | 4:30-7:00PM | FLC Garrison Chapel
First Church has a deep commitment to the mental health and well-being of our youth. This school year, that includes an ongoing exploration of the arguments and recommended actions in Jonathan Haidt’s book, The Anxious Generation. A common refrain from middle and high school parents this fall has been “it’s kind of too late for us” or “the damage is already done because they already have phones.” If you have been feeling this way, this conversation is for you. Join us for a special discussion about the many things we CAN do to help our youth learn healthy socialization skills, reach their milestones, and connect or reconnect in community. This is a conversation for all youth parents as we explore the tools they need to grow and go out into the world. During this parent meeting, youth will view the movie, Life of Pi, as part of our Engage series on religion.