Saturday, March 23 9:30-11:00AM | Capitol Grounds
First Church welcomes you to our annual Easter Egg Festival in our “backyard” at the Capitol Grounds at Colorado and 12th Street for egg hunts (infants-preschoolers) and egg races (elementary ages). This event is free and open to the public. A visit from the Easter Bunny is a special tradition along with fun activities like face painting and games by our youth. Participants are invited to bring one or more of the following donations to help us love our neighbors as we celebrate and share the gift of Easter: non-perishable food donations for the Capital Area Food Bank or unopened baby wipes and unopened diaper cream for the Austin Diaper Bank. For more information, contact Lara Greene, at or 512-478-5684 (ext. 211).
Psst…the Easter Bunny needs help prepping for the Egg Festival. To find out how to donate candy or volunteer to stuff eggs or help with fun and games at the Egg Festival, click here.