
Easter Offering: At the Well 

We are committed to caring for and serving with our unhoused neighbors. This is especially true for women, who are traditionally more vulnerable and at risk in this population, and who have few resources available. 

Inspired by God’s Spirit, At the Well welcomes women experiencing homelessness into the Great Hall of our Family Life Center each Friday morning. We provide coffee and a hot breakfast, showers, new underwear, computer access, mats for sleeping, clothing, books, and much more. At the Well provides a short time of sabbath, moments of respite from the weather and the hardness of life these women experience each day.

Celebrating five years of ministry this May, At the Well is making a difference in both the lives of women experiencing homelessness as well as those serving on Friday mornings. Your financial support ensures that we are able to provide basic necessities in a caring, safe, and accepting environment that affirms self-worth and dignity.

Gifts, marked “Easter Offering,” may be placed in the offering basket, mailed to or brought by the church office, or made online during the month of March. To donate online, use the button below or go to and select “Easter & Christmas” from the drop-down menu.