Donate Books for December Pickle Elementary Book Sale
Donations: Sundays, November 17 and 24 and December 1
Book Sale: Friday, December 6 at Pickle Elementary School
Spread the holiday cheer by donating new/very gently used books or money (using the ” Pickle Elementary School Partnership” option on the church’s giving page) for our next Pickle Elementary Book Sale on the morning of Friday, December 6. This bi-annual tradition works to get books in the hands of students, while empowering them by allowing them to purchase a book for only a quarter. Please check your shelves or add to your shopping cart current popular titles appropriate for Pre-K through 5th grade. There’s always a request for Spanish-language books, but comic style/graphic novels, adventure, science, sports, fantasy and activity books are also great choices. Invite your family and friends to donate, too. Drop book donations in the church’s Sanctuary Foyer or contact Heather Schuelke to arrange pick up/drop off or to volunteer to help at the book sale on December 6.