Dr. Karen Smith Consecrated as UMC Deaconess
We celebrate that Dr. Karen Smith was consecrated as a Deaconess in the United Methodist Church at the recent General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Deaconess—or Home Missioner, the male equivalent—is a lay person called to a lifetime commitment to use their vocation to support ministries of love, justice, and service. Karen joins the 650 active deaconesses in the worldwide UMC in a covenant community that is rooted in Scripture, informed by history, driven by mission, ecumenical in scope, and global in outreach. A Deaconess aims to alleviate suffering, eradicate injustice, and strengthen the connection between the church and the world. Our prayers and love are with Karen as she begins this new chapter in her own story of faith and service and we hope you will offer her congratulations and encouragement when next you see her.