
First Steps

A class with pastors prior to joining FUMC

Church Membership

Church membership is open to any and all who seek the presence of God in their lives. Baptism is a requirement for membership. If you have not been baptized, please contact Pastor Taylor to schedule personal pre-baptism counseling sessions. If you have been baptized in any Christian denomination, you do not need to be baptized again in the Methodist Church. Once is enough! Baptized Persons may become members of The United Methodist Church by transfer from another Methodist Church or any other Christian Church, or by Profession of the Christian faith if they are not currently a member of another church.

Are you interested in joining FUMC? Prior to joining the church, we ask all to participate in a First Steps class to learn about Methodist beliefs and the ministry of FUMC, meet the pastors and other members, and ask questions. Here’s how to get started:

  • Indicate your interest by filling out the Connections card in the pews or online during worship, or email Rachel Wright at
  • Attend a First Steps session with our pastors offered periodically after the 11:00 a.m. service (links below). The joining process is discussed during this class.


First Steps Form

Prior to joining the church, a secure online First Steps Form will need to be completed in order for the church to collect some basic information about you and/or your family. If you wish to fill out the form prior to First Steps, please click here.

First Steps Classes

Please plan to attend one of our upcoming two-hour sessions.